The culture of disbelief is an expression that describes the political and social atmosphere in which people are raised and a culture of belief is an expression that people are nurtured to understand the world and respond to its justification. It is a term used to describe the various colors …
Read More »History of immigration from China to US
Chinese are said to be the first Asians to migrate to the US. A series of events in 1840s led to Chinese immigration to the United States and can be divided into three distinct epochs. The first move was made in 1848 after the discovery of Gold in California; influenced …
Read More »Palestine and Israel war
Introduction: The war between Palestine and Israel started back in the days of 20th century this whole conflict refers to the Arab and Zionist inhabitants living under British rule and ottoman rule. It conflict consist mainly of the water controls, recognition, Palestinian independence movement, water rights, Israeli settlements, borders, and control …
Read More »The Palestine conflict
British people made a pact that they will resolve the Palestinian Issue during the World War. Britain secretly supported the Jews party and developed the allies to split up the Ottoman territory with Palestine making part of British Empire, in the mean time Arab leadership was hoping that land would …
RAMZAN BAZARS SHOULD BE MANAGED BY PAKISTAN ARMY It is always observed in RAMZAN BAZARS that most of the adulterated items are being sold to customers which are the most poisonous and harmful for the persons/customers for examples 1)- It is also always observed that low quality and Adulterated BASON are …
It is always Noticed that whenever any car owner goes to any shopping center of Rawalpindi, The shop Keepers are not allowed any car owner to park his vehicle in front of their shops and some often they come to blow ( QUARREL) and misbehaves with the car owners without …
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