Friday , January 24 2025
Palestine and Israel war

Palestine and Israel war


The war between Palestine and Israel started back in the days of 20th century this whole conflict refers to the Arab and Zionist inhabitants living under British rule and ottoman rule. It conflict consist mainly of the water controls, recognition, Palestinian independence movement, water rights, Israeli settlements, borders, and control of Jerusalem. Such disputes resulted in violence and international actions taken against the human rights and security. This restricts the tourism in the region which is of great religious and historical interest to the people around the world.

One of the reasons associated about the conflict rooted back in late 19th century and the start of 20th century; in the mean time Arab national movement came up gearing to attain power for the people living in the Middle East. The differences between the Palestinian nationalist as well as the southern Levant in 20s which later expanded in 1947 to Arab Israel wars.

Current Issue:

Current issues these days between the Israel and Palestine are:

  • Settlements
  • take hold of Arab land
  • Violence on Palestinian people
  • changing demographics
  •  Disregard UN resolutions

Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a growing disbelieve between its members. Strategies of political members joined with brutality done to the civilians against have promoted common aggression or lack of faith to make peace. Palestinian support for Hamas is considerable than of the Israeli people.

Role of UN:

The role of United Nation is considered as watch dog in this conflict. There are several Resolutions passed in the UN assembly against Israel but it seems that no one is going to take action against Israel. The UN is not doing justice to the Muslim world and issues of Muslim. Muslim countries considered it as a puppet handled by Americans and Jews.

Role of International Media:

The role of international media is biased till now in the Palestine-Israel war. Many European news papers have published news about the attack of Hamas in the city of Israel and they ignored that the Israel army has killed more than 150 people in one week.

Role of Muslim world:

There is no doubt that there is lack of unity among the Muslim countries. Several times OIC meetings has been called and several resolutions has been passed to support the Palestine but no implementation has been done till now. Reaction of Muslim world is great against the brutal attacks of Israel but when it comes to unity and leading from the front no country is ready to fight for Muslim brotherhood.

About Jawad Ahmed

Hi, I am Jawad, a talented and versatile writer with 10 years of experience developing effective materials, including press releases, Article Writing, Article Rewriting, Web content, Ghostwriting, Creative writing, Blogs, News, Reviews, Feature Articles, Proofreading, software manuals, and Web Content.

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